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Hansel and Gretel Fairy Tale Box

I love Fairy Tales. I grew up with them being read to me, and I spent my days watching the movie adaptations and pretending to be in them. This inspired me to create my Fairy Tale Survival Kit. I enjoyed that project so much that I decided to continue the project with a spin off series. This time I created individual boxes inspired by public domain stories.


This set is based off of the story of Hansel and Gretel. The contents inside are based off of some of the elements that I thought were key to the story. To me, the most important item you would need to survive this classic story is white pebbles. The story begins with their parents being very poor and resources such as food were scarse for the family. Hansel and Gretel's step mother convinced their father that the best way to resolve the issue of little food, was to get rid of the children. So they plan to leave them in the forest where they wouldn't be able to find their way home. Hansel hears the plan and gathers pebbles so he could leave a trail and they could find their way home. The plan works, and the children return home safely. The next day the step mother tries the plan again. Hansel put bread in his pocket this time and makes a bread trail. However, it ends up getting eaten by birds and they are unable to find their way home. After wandering the day away, they decide to follow a beautiful white bird to a gingerbread house. Where the classic story takes place about the witch who wants to eat them.


The hardest part of creating this was designing for the medium. The shapes are created from transfer vinyl. This created a big challenge for me because I had to design with basic shapes that would still aide me in telling the stories.


Inside contents coming soon.



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© 2022 Zoë Perlow

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